The East of Peru, geographical research in the nineteenth century and engineer Arturo Wertheman

  • Joan Morales Cama
Keywords: East of Peru, Geography, XIX century, Arturo Wertheman


The second half of the nineteenth century, before the Pacific War, was a height point for the country characterized by economic prosperity; allowing authorities of that time to promote historical and geographical research. In this context, the actions of Arthur Wertheman were taken. He was nominee as a First Engineer of the State Department of Engineers; taking part in several expeditions to the eastern region of Peru. Wertherman made an exceptional an invaluable contribution to our society and the knowledge nowadays we have about this region.

How to Cite
Morales CamaJ. (2014). The East of Peru, geographical research in the nineteenth century and engineer Arturo Wertheman. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 29(1), 15-72.