The distribution of drinking water in colonial Lima to early century XVII.

Chaos and solutions

  • Paula Ermila Rivasplata Varillas
Keywords: Viceroyalty of Peru, Lima, seventeenth century, water distribution system, theft, chaos, broken stem elongation, water pressure, neighborhoods of Lima


The source of the Plaza Mayor was inaugurated in 1578, the clamor of the people invaded the city, but soon was not enough. Most paid armhole required for support so each district asked its source. So gradually the system of water distribution became more complex and with it new problems had to be addressed as water theft, bankruptcy encañados by water pressure surges in many private sources and little water that came to public sources.

Author Biography

Paula Ermila Rivasplata Varillas

Licenciada en arqueología e ingeniería geográfica en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
Licenciada, Master y Doctora en Historia de la Universidad de Sevilla y Doctora en Europa, el Mundo Mediterráneo y su difusión Atlántica de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla.

How to Cite
Rivasplata VarillasP. E. (2016). The distribution of drinking water in colonial Lima to early century XVII. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 31(1), 13-37.