A forgotten event of the independence: the massacre of pro-patriot foreigners in Callao (1820)

  • Renán Daniel Campero Paredes Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
Keywords: Popular festival, Independence, Callao, Royalists


The aim of this work is to remove from oblivion, by reweaving contemporary sources to the facts and historiographical researches, this interesting event in the framework of the independence of our country and to reflect on the participation of social actors and the masses, along with the viceregal government in the so-called Callao Massacre of 1820, trying to determine if that event was the result of the fidelism of the Chalaca population at the time studied.

Author Biography

Renán Daniel Campero Paredes, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Licenciado en Historia, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima.

How to Cite
Campero ParedesR. D. (2023). A forgotten event of the independence: the massacre of pro-patriot foreigners in Callao (1820). Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 38(1), 129-141. https://doi.org/10.37840/ragn.v38i1.156