Medicine, Fear, and Panic in Lima During the Great Rebellion: The Letter of an Aristocratic Midwife, 1781

  • Charles Walker Universidad de Chicago
  • Karina Fernández Gonzales Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Keywords: Peru, Lima, Túpac Amaru, Letter, Medicine, Rebellion, Fear, Panic


This article allows to outline, through the letter of a female character named Lucía, a midwife and aristocrat, the impact of Túpac Amaru’s rebellion on Lima society. Feelings of fear and panic, experienced by the population of the City of Los Reyes, can be found in the lines written by that woman, as well as the concept of the people of Lima about José Gabriel. The letter announces the presence of great people and informs us about the author’s profession as a midwife, an interesting topic for future research into medicine.

Author Biographies

Charles Walker, Universidad de Chicago

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Chicago. Profesor en la Universidad de California – Davis.

Karina Fernández Gonzales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciada en Historia por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima.

How to Cite
WalkerC., & Fernández GonzalesK. (2023). Medicine, Fear, and Panic in Lima During the Great Rebellion: The Letter of an Aristocratic Midwife, 1781. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 38(1), 121-128.