The peruvian period of independence: the debate on the form of government, the constituent congress and the presidency of José de la Riva-Agüero (1822-1823)

  • Hugo Pereyra Plasencia Academia Nacional de la Historia
Keywords: Independence, Constituent Congress, Peru, José de la Riva- Agüero


This article depicts an overview of political life in Peru during 1822 and 1823. Its protagonists are the Peruvian leaders who held the reins of the government in those years, among whom José de la Riva-Agüero y Sánchez Boquete, first president of the country, stands out. We are talking about the «Peruvian” period of Independence, which followed the years of Chilean-Rioplatense domination in the times of José de San Martín, and which was interrupted at the beginning of 1824 with the beginning of the dictatorship of Simón Bolívar granted by the Peruvian Congress. Within this general framework, specific topics are discussed such as the birth of Peruvian republicanism, the unfortunate campaigns to Puertos Intermedios, the presidency of Riva-Agüero, the political activity of Antonio José de Sucre as Colombian representative in Peru, the Peruvian political split, Riva-Agüero’s plan to approach the royalist side and expel the Colombians (perceived as invaders and a much greater threat than Spanish domination) and the dramatic end of this first Peruvian government in November 1823.

Author Biography

Hugo Pereyra Plasencia, Academia Nacional de la Historia

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales en la especialidad de Historia por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San
Marcos, Lima. Profesor del Departamento de Humanidades de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del
Perú. Miembro de número de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, y Ministro en el Servicio Diplomático
de la República.

How to Cite
Pereyra PlasenciaH. (2023). The peruvian period of independence: the debate on the form of government, the constituent congress and the presidency of José de la Riva-Agüero (1822-1823). Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 38(1), 55-94.