The use of ceilings in Lima viceregal architecture

  • Juan Pablo El Sous Zavala Programa Municipal para la Recuperación del Centro Histórico de Lima
Keywords: Peru, Art History, Architecture History, Viceroyalty, Lima, Ceiling


Among the various construction techniques used by the artisans of the viceregal period, the manufacture of ceilings in the intrados of the roofs of the Lima buildings is one that has gone quite unnoticed among architectural historians. Although in a very limited way, we can trace the use of ceilings in some buildings since the seventeenth century, manufactured with a variety of materials depending on the time. The purpose of this article is to document the use of ceilings in Lima, describing the materials used and the technique developed for its manufacture and identifying the existing or missing specimens that were executed in the viceregal era, to enrich the knowledge of the construction techniques used during that period, as well as to shed light on this technology and its impact on the development of Lima architecture.

Author Biography

Juan Pablo El Sous Zavala, Programa Municipal para la Recuperación del Centro Histórico de Lima

Arquitecto, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima. Actualmente labora en Programa Municipal para la Recuperación del Centro Histórico de Lima (Prolima). Correo electrónico:

How to Cite
El Sous ZavalaJ. P. (2023). The use of ceilings in Lima viceregal architecture. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 38(1), 11-36.