La Building up a precarious state: formation and deployment of the police force of the department of Lima during the early republic

  • Carlos Jesús Ríos Rodriguez Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
Keywords: Police force, Public security, Criminality, Social violence, 19th century


This article analyzes a set of characteristics of the formation and deployment of the police force in the department of Lima during the early republic; and propose that the absence of a clear separation between the Army and the police force caused, to a large extent, that the last one had an unstable structure and limited deployment. To large extend, the state capacity to provide public security on the department of Lima was precarious.

Author Biography

Carlos Jesús Ríos Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Lima, Perú. Magíster en Historia. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú.

How to Cite
Ríos RodriguezC. J. (2019). La Building up a precarious state: formation and deployment of the police force of the department of Lima during the early republic. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 34(2), 111-124.