Dismissed but not finished: economic and political validity of a family of caciques in republic times (Ayacucho, 19th century)

  • David Quichua Chaico Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga
Keywords: Chiefdoms, Marriage alliances, Family surroundings, Chuchón family, Vischongo


This article studies the situation of a family of caciques during the first decades of Peruvian republic. We propose that abolition of cacicazgos did not mean its total economic and political decline for those loosing that condition, rather it was an opportunity for their reintegration in political and social activity of the republican administration. Chuchón family, former caciques of Vischongo (Ayacucho), taking advantage of the republican legislation, strength his economics activities. Equally, by marital alliance, more land in villages of Vischongo went under his control. Due to this, younger members of the family receive better education and were able to assume political and administrative charges in last decades of 19th century.

Author Biography

David Quichua Chaico, Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga

Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga. Ayacucho, Perú. Magíster en Historia. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima, Perú

How to Cite
Quichua ChaicoD. (2019). Dismissed but not finished: economic and political validity of a family of caciques in republic times (Ayacucho, 19th century). Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 34(2), 91-109. https://doi.org/10.37840/ragn.v34i2.97