Brief history of a colonial house in Lima

Valuation of the built heritage

  • Henry Barrera Camarena Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Keywords: colonial house, high-rise, architectural style, Neoclassicism


Throughout time there are very few colonial houses that have been able to stand up, whether due to a natural disaster or caused by the same action of man, various factors have influenced the preservation of our cultural heritage. The majority have drastically changed their architectural composition to give them a different use to the original and thus lose the historical value they possess. However, the building under study is fortunately one of the few monuments that retain much of its internal morphology, despite having more than three hundred years of existence and having modified its colonial artistic style by republican neoclassicism.
For that reason, through the reconstruction of its history, it seeks to put in value a typical monument of the colonial Lima society that acquired its greater notoriety in the second half of the 19th century to be the headquarters of the famous Hotel de la Bola de Oro and later disappeared private bank La Providencia.

How to Cite
Barrera CamarenaH. (2017). Brief history of a colonial house in Lima. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 32(1), 73-83.