Economic activities of Marshal Domingo Nieto

  • Jorge Ortiz Sotelo Universidad de Saint Andrews
Keywords: Domingo Nieto, Peru, maritime history, economic history, family history


There is a relative abundant bibliography on the relatively short military and political career of Marshall Domingo Nieto; however, little is known on his economic activities. This article’s aim is to explore this aspect of his life, contributing to have a more complete idea of a character, as many of his contemporaries, who lived intensely the initial years of the Republic. This will require to clarity some topics, such as the origin and of the fortune of his political family’s fortune, the business in which he took part, and the fate of his wife and children after his death.

How to Cite
Ortiz SoteloJ. (2017). Economic activities of Marshal Domingo Nieto. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 32(1), 47-72.