Digitize For what? Principles and criteria to take into account in the projects of digitalization of documentary heritage

  • Margaita Vázquez de Parga
Keywords: Digitize, Digitization projects, Documentary heritage


From the different definitions that we find of the word digitization we are going to keep the one that defines digitalization as “the process of converting analog information into digital information”, that is, converting any continuous (analog) input signal into a series of numerical values by means of scanners. This definition of scanning makes clear the difference between digital copy, or digital image, of an analog document, resulting from the scanning process, and electronic document, that is, the document that has been produced by electronic means, “ born electronic ”, or that was born electronically.

Author Biography

Margaita Vázquez de Parga

Cuerpo Facultativo de Archiveros del Estado. Consultora. Informática El Corte Inglés

How to Cite
Vázquez de PargaM. (2014). Digitize For what? Principles and criteria to take into account in the projects of digitalization of documentary heritage. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 29(1), 445-468. https://doi.org/10.37840/ragn.v29i1.68