Land composition in the province of Conchucos: The visit of Pedro de Meneses –1644-

  • Josué Darío Pérez CCañihua
Keywords: Ancash-Conchucos, Sales process, Land composition, 1644


This article is about the second sales process and composition of land held in the province/corregimiento of Conchucos in 1644 by Don Pedro de Meneses, Mayor of Crime of the Real Audiencia de Lima. It also shows detailed information of total bushels of sold land and compound of the beneficiaries; furthermore, takes into account the ethnic composition as well as the monetary amount for real estate. This information is a valuable resource which contributes to the agricultural history of eastern sub-region of Conchucos, Department of Ancash.

Author Biography

Josué Darío Pérez CCañihua

Bachiller en Historia de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal.

How to Cite
Pérez CCañihuaJ. D. (2014). Land composition in the province of Conchucos: The visit of Pedro de Meneses –1644-. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 29(1), 141-171.