Las Public amusements in Lima to late colonial period

  • Henry Barrera Camarena Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Keywords: People, Public entertainment, Urban reorganization, Illustration, Lima, XVIII century


This paper illustrates de public entertainment predominant image in Lima at the end of the colonial era during a context of urban reorganization. This issue was linked to the disposition to create new sceneries for entertainment as a response to relocate all kinds of street performance. Besides all criticism and rejection, street entertainment was not replaced; instead, was reformed into proper entertainment according to urban decorum for its Lima citizens and foreign followers.
In this sense, expressions like “primitive and barbaric passions” should be replaced because they do not represent the predominant image of all these cultural expressions from that time.

How to Cite
Barrera CamarenaH. (2014). Las Public amusements in Lima to late colonial period. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 29(1), 75-101.