The management of electronic documents: the experience in Spain

  • Margarita Vázquez de Parga
Keywords: Electronic document management, Electronic document, Spain


The electronic documents to which I will refer in this article are those resulting from administrative management or production, documents that constitute the legal and probative support of the rights and obligations of the Administrations and citizens and that, therefore, must be kept for the periods of time in which its probative value is maintained or that have been classified as permanent conservation for its informative value. They are the documents that have traditionally fallen under the responsibility of the archives and archivists, therefore they receive the qualification of “electronic documents of file ”, nomination with which not all archival theorists agree.

Author Biography

Margarita Vázquez de Parga

Consultora de Gestión documental y Archivos. Miembro del Cuerpo Facultativo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Arqueólogos.

How to Cite
Vázquez de PargaM. (2015). The management of electronic documents: the experience in Spain. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 30(1), 349-385.