New Century-New Vision in Paleography and Diplomatics

  • Branka María Tanodi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Paleography, Diplomatic, History, History of the practices of the writing, Document, Scripture


The reflection that we can do today of the Paleography, necessarily is different from which was conceived in last times, having as specific function the study of the writing in itself, obtaining an own configuration and perfectly defined, turned today the amplest “History of the practices of the writing”.
Also, for the new current of the Diplomatic, it is centered in the social aspects of the document, his relation with the people who take part in and with the social classes which they represent, which are the one who truely condition their nature.

Author Biography

Branka María Tanodi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctora en Historia y Técnica en Archivos Históricos. Directora del Programa de Investigación: La Cultura Escrita: Paleografía, Diplomática y Archivos, en Centro de Estudios Avanzados–Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina).

How to Cite
TanodiB. M. (2015). New Century-New Vision in Paleography and Diplomatics. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 30(1), 335-347.