Josefa Montes, the last slave of the Congo

  • Juan José Brito Ramos Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Keywords: slavery, brotherhoods, nation, ethnicity, Lima, Kongo


This article shows the trajectory of Josefa Montes, the African Kongo slave, who arrived to Peru in 1805, brought in the ship “Bretaña”, as part of a group of 206 newcomers slaves embarked in Valparaiso for their sale in Lima. The trial to claim ownership of the former premises of the Confraternity of the Natural Kongos or Angunga in Lima in 1873 serves as a starting point to rebuild the life of the slave Josefa Montes through documents of the Consulate Court and notarial protocols housed in The General Archive of the Nation, as well as records and other documents from the Archiepiscopal' Archives of Lima and the Archive of the Lima’s Charity of Board.

How to Cite
Brito RamosJ. J. (2017). Josefa Montes, the last slave of the Congo. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 32(1), 15-45.