Indigenous peoples, annexed villages and practices Space in the Lima Valley (XVIII-XIX centuries)

  • Isaac D. Sáenz
Keywords: Colonial society, Annexed villages, XVIII-XIX century, Reductions


This paper studies the transformations of colonial Peruvian society during the XVIII century, focusing on a particular issue: the emergence of villages named pueblos anexos by the colonial administration, in connection with the crisis of Indian villages or reducciones. This process could be understood as a part of a conflictive spatiality, resulted of divergent voices: authorities, Indian people, religious agents, creoles, space where strange Indians (indios forasteros) were starring agents. Our work focuses on the multiples strategies and practices deployed by them, remarking their clear purpose of articulating in colonial society.

How to Cite
SáenzI. D. (2015). Indigenous peoples, annexed villages and practices Space in the Lima Valley (XVIII-XIX centuries). Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 30(1), 187-210.