An approach to colonial welfare policy. The case of the Royal Hospital of San Andrés

  • Henry Barrera Camarena
Keywords: Welfarism, Hospital, Sick, Charity, Alms


The welfare policy played a key role in the colonial Lima society. It was necessary action to provide assistance and relief to the needy as they were sick. The work punctuate in the case of Spanish patients who received first aid at the Royal Hospital of San Andrés, the largest hospital during colonialism. This, to know how there was a welfare policy for the sick. At the same time clarify the significance grew to the advancement of medical science in the capital since the second half of the eighteenth century and the contribution of illustrated as Hipólito Unanue.

Author Biography

Henry Barrera Camarena

Egresado de la carrera de Historia por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

How to Cite
Barrera CamarenaH. (2015). An approach to colonial welfare policy. The case of the Royal Hospital of San Andrés. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 30(1), 159-185.