Three Orchards of Down the Bridge: "La Ramos", "Palomares" and "El Altillo" 17th-19th centuries

  • Juan José Brito Ramos
Keywords: Orchard, Ranch, Farm, Mill, Lineage, Slavery


This paper examines the evolution of three orchards of Lima, located in the district of San Lazaro or Down Bridge, between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries; and with the main characteristic of having belonged to one family over the centuries. Using mainly inventories, appraisals and wills of the owning family, the purpose of this research is to reconstruct the history of these small agricultural production units, which abounded in the city of Lima and its surroundings. It also seeks to clarify the trajectory of their owners over time.

Author Biography

Juan José Brito Ramos

Historiador peruano. Estudió Historia en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

How to Cite
Brito RamosJ. J. (2015). Three Orchards of Down the Bridge: "La Ramos", "Palomares" and "El Altillo" 17th-19th centuries. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 30(1), 99-157.