Invisibility and incapacity of the Lima woman of the 16th century.

A sample, a button: the dowry card

  • Giovanna Valencia Álvarez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Keywords: dowry, Lima woman, sixteenth century, notary, diplomatic, married


This study seeks to deepen the role played by the delivery of dowry in the decision-making capacity and willingness of the Lima woman of the sixteenth century - between the years 1538-1599 - once he married, without distinction of race, social or economic status.
One element that has established this variant on the legal, economic and social capacity of women in the XVI century has been the letter of dowry, instrument private, executed before a notary or notary public, the result of an agreement between the parents of the bride and groom, before or during his life as a married couple. Analysis of the structure of the letter diplomatic feat will test the condition that had women in Lima society of the sixteenth century.

Author Biography

Giovanna Valencia Álvarez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Egresada de Historia PUCP.

How to Cite
Valencia ÁlvarezG. (2016). Invisibility and incapacity of the Lima woman of the 16th century. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 31(1), 253-281.