From Peruvian Mercury to the Tobacconists

The interference of the illustrated José Rossi y Rubí in the public administration, Lima 1790-1802

  • Jeremy Gibran Dioses Campaña Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
Keywords: Illustration, bourbon reforms, Mercurio Peruano, institutions, academics circles, knowled societies


The main objective that this article follows is to understand Jose Rossi y Rubi´s thinking as an agent, originated as a response to a convulsed period in time by the bourbon reforms. Moreover, this article works as a shaper or modifier of public institutions through the speeches published in the daily newspaper El Mercurio Peruano at the beginning, and afterwards performed from his administrative positions.

Author Biography

Jeremy Gibran Dioses Campaña, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Egresado de la carrera de Historia de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Es estudiante de la Maestría de Gerencia Social.

How to Cite
Dioses CampañaJ. G. (2016). From Peruvian Mercury to the Tobacconists. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 31(1), 191-208.