A shipment of broken books (Lima, 1719)

  • Juan José Brito Ramos Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Keywords: Book, library, damage, appraisal, merchant


This article presents the fraud which occurred to a book merchant based in Lima, when he acquired an important number of book volumes in Mexico City in 1719. It offers a look into book commerce in Lima during the first decades of the 18th century, the profile of a merchant —Gregorio de Carrion— who, among other products, also sold books, and which titles he acquired for his Lima-based business.
The document, with the appraisal of the damaged books, allows us to learn, apart from titles and authors, the prices of these books once they arrived to Lima.

How to Cite
Brito RamosJ. J. (2016). A shipment of broken books (Lima, 1719). Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 31(1), 71-95. https://doi.org/10.37840/ragn.v31i1.29