The delegation’s activity of Lima in the context of the Chilean occupation of the capital (1881 - 1882)

  • Julio César Abanto Chani Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Keywords: War with Chile (1879-1883), Government of Lizardo Montero (1881- 1883), Delegation of Lima (1881-1882), Chilean Occupation of Lima (1881-1884)


One of the little known periods in the history of Peru is the Chilean’s occupation of the country, particularly Lima. In that sense, it is important to know the details of the management carried out by the Civilian Delegation after the arrest and exile of the provisional president Francisco García Calderón. Manuel Candamo and Carlos Elías were conspicuous civilians who took over the leadership of the Delegation and coordinated permanently with the Ministry of Government and Foreign Affairs of the regime of Vice President Lizardo Montero. Their support were vital to the survival of the government because they assumed very delicate functions: political, economic and diplomatic representation. All were able to conjugate and articulate them in favor of the government, being deactivated on August of 1882 when the Chilean reprisals occurred by the victories of Cáceres in the center of the country.

How to Cite
Abanto ChaniJ. C. (2017). The delegation’s activity of Lima in the context of the Chilean occupation of the capital (1881 - 1882). Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 32(1), 181-196.