A before and after the Council of Trent:

marriage licenses and diplomatic structure

  • Giovanna Valencia Álvarez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Keywords: Council of Trent, Ecclesiastical Court of Lima, marriage licenses, canonical marriage, dispensations


The Council of Trent was the mechanism that allowed organizing the devices that had been promulgated around the sacrament of marriage and that were not normalized under one and only precept. In this article the analysis of marriage licenses has been arranged in three parts, first a brief account of the canonical marriage and the dispositions that were established from the church and the Spanish government will be made, soon to be mentioned the requirements that were stipulated in the Council of Trent and which emphasized the power of the church over dispensations in favor of the contracting parties and culminated in a diplomatic study of the marriage license files presented to the Ecclesiastical Court of Lima.

How to Cite
Valencia ÁlvarezG. (2017). A before and after the Council of Trent:. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 32(1), 165-180. https://doi.org/10.37840/ragn.v32i1.14