The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Augustinian sanctuary in Peru Origin and roots of a great devotion in the lands of Trujillo

  • Francisco Javier Campos y Fernández de Sevilla Instituto Escurialense de Investigaciones Históricas y Artísticas
Keywords: Virgin of Guadalupe, Captain Francisco Pérez de Lezcano, Luisa de Mendoza, Augustinian fathers, Pacasmayo Valley, Trujillo (Peru), sanctuary, miracles and popular religiosity


Captain Francisco Pérez de Lezcano made a vow to the Virgin of Guadalupe of Extremadura (Spain) that if she freed him from a trance of death, he would bring a copy of the statue of the virgin to the Pacasmayo Valley where he had his lands, and so he did. When he returned with the statue, he gave it to the Augustinians to take care of it and its cult.
This work studies the entire history that gave rise to the promise, the construction of the sanctuary and the miracles, as well as the great devotion that the inhabitants of the north of Peru have in the Virgin of Guadalupe. It is also clarified some aspects with the presentation of new documents.

Author Biography

Francisco Javier Campos y Fernández de Sevilla, Instituto Escurialense de Investigaciones Históricas y Artísticas

Profesor de los Estudios Superiores del Escorial y director del Instituto Escurialense de Investigaciones Históricas y Artísticas de la misma institución. Madrid, España. Doctor en Filosofía y Letras, sección Geografía e Historia por la Universidad de Málaga.

How to Cite
Campos y Fernández de SevillaF. J. (2022). The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Augustinian sanctuary in Peru Origin and roots of a great devotion in the lands of Trujillo. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 37(1), 11-38.