The Arrival of Christopher Columbus in Lima: The History of his Statue and its Tour Around Lima Downtown

  • Antonio Coello Rodríguez Archivo General de la Nación
Keywords: History of Lima, Cristobal Colón, Hygiene, Town planning


The present article will develop the history of the monument to Christopher Columbus and its continuous transfers by the city of Lima. Also, it will explain why its first location was chosen, adjacent to the Plaza Acho, a very distant area from Lima on the second half of the XIX century, which was considered in the plans of the Municipality of Lima with the purpose of improving it and making it more attractive to the limeños of those times. However, this project did not prosper due to the continuous assaults and robberies, reason for which it was decided to change it to a new zone that represents progress and order: the Parque de la Exposición (Exposition Park), in whose vicinity it will make several turns, until the inauguration of the Paseo 9 de Diciembre, today Paseo Colón, its definitive location.

Author Biography

Antonio Coello Rodríguez, Archivo General de la Nación

Arqueólogo e historiador, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú.

How to Cite
Coello RodríguezA. (2021). The Arrival of Christopher Columbus in Lima: The History of his Statue and its Tour Around Lima Downtown. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 36(1), 203-220.