Preservation in the Documentary Field: Media Stability and Information Integrity

  • Nicolás Díaz Sánchez Archivo General de la Nación
Keywords: Conservation, Preservation, Restoration, Preventive conservation, Deterioration, Documentary supports, Archives, Libraries


This article tackles the identification of the main concepts used in the conservation of materials in which man records information, which have been built and defined throughout history, until its consolidation in the 20th century, with a scientific and multidisciplinary approach, supported agreements that have resulted in founding documents such as the Athens and Restauro letters. The subsequent development of conservation has allowed its strengthening from a deterioration prevention approach, which seeks to give stability to the physical structure of the materials and facilitate the integrity of the information contained in the documents.

Author Biography

Nicolás Díaz Sánchez, Archivo General de la Nación

Archivo General de la Nación. Lima, Perú. Licenciado en Historia, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Lima, Perú. Máster en Bibliotecas y Patrimonio Documental, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. España. Magíster en Dirección Estratégica en Tecnologías de la Información, Universidad de Piura. Perú.

How to Cite
Díaz SánchezN. (2021). Preservation in the Documentary Field: Media Stability and Information Integrity. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 36(1), 177-188.