La Archival Management in Peru and Digital Transformation

  • Carlos Martínez Suárez Archivo General de la Nación
Keywords: Regulations, Archival training, Records management, Archival technical, Processes, Digital transformation, Transparency, Digital divide


Archival management in the country has been based on the development of norms and policies, professionalization and archival training and the materialization of archival technical processing; today it’s being influenced by the so-called digital transformation. This fourth industrial revolution that, in turn, must consider a national anti-corruption policy, good governance, and transparency and access to public information; It’s presented as a great challenge that we must assume to continue on the path for a good national archival management.

Author Biography

Carlos Martínez Suárez, Archivo General de la Nación

Archivo General del Nación. Licenciado en Archivística y Gestión Documental, Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae. Lima, Perú.

How to Cite
Martínez SuárezC. (2021). La Archival Management in Peru and Digital Transformation. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 36(1), 153-161.