The vicissitudes of Miguel Grau

  • Víctor Andrés García Belaunde Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Keywords: Mariano Ignacio Prado, Miguel Grau, War with Spain, Pacific War, John Tucker


Part of the national historiography, has divulged several legends about the political life of General Mariano Ignacio Prado: one of them the supposed good relationship between him and our maximum national hero Miguel Grau Seminario. After the Combat of May 2nd., the Spanish fleet headed towards the Philippines, in which situation, the then Supreme Chief of Peru, considered - in alliance with Chile - the possibility of sending a fleet to attack the Spaniards. Under the command of the Allied Navy was designated the retired American commander John Randolph Tucker, whose election was considered inappropriate by the navy of greater experience of our navy. The protest of Lizardo Montero, Aurelio García y García, Manuel Ferreyros, Miguel Grau among others, caused the government to have them arrested for detention in the prison of San Lorenzo Island.

How to Cite
García BelaundeV. A. (2017). The vicissitudes of Miguel Grau. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 32(1), 125-143.