Some notes about the Plaza Mayor, the bridges and the wall as key elements of the colonial Lima urban landscape

  • Paula Ermila Rivasplata Varillas Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Plaza, bridge, wall, Lima, urbanism, landscape


Key elements in the Lima Colonial urban landscape of colonial Lima were the main square, the bridge and the city wall. The plaza Mayor was communal meeting point where events, trade and bulfighting games took place and where interaction with authorities could occur. The puente de Piedra was essential because it connected Lima to its suburb of small Triana which in the sixteenth century was called San Lazaro. Finally, the muralla de adobe was built so quickly and late, that it could have hardly protected Lima from a probable invasion.

How to Cite
Rivasplata VarillasP. E. (2017). Some notes about the Plaza Mayor, the bridges and the wall as key elements of the colonial Lima urban landscape. Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 32(1), 107-124.