The testament and inventory of property of the doctor Don Francisco de Avila:

Humanist religious scholar in the Lima of the 17 th Century

  • John Peter Vizcardo Navarro Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Keywords: Francisco de Ávila, Peru, Lima, Huarochiri, inventory of goods, Library, will


This article is an approximation to the property of Dr. Francisco de Ávila, visiting judge of the idolatry of Peru in the seventeenth century, through the study of his will and inventory of goods, valuable manuscripts saved in the colonial section of the Archive General of the Nation of Peru. It is a great contribution to the national historiography, since it is demonstrated that the handwritten documentation helps in a great way to complete with new data the life of this great humanist religious scholar in the Lima of century xvii through its goods.

How to Cite
Vizcardo NavarroJ. P. (2017). The testament and inventory of property of the doctor Don Francisco de Avila: . Revista Del Archivo General De La Nación, 32(1), 85-105.